Please Note: This page is for the 2009 Convention.
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SCRC 2009 Convention

Happy the People Whose God is the Lord! - Psalm 144:15
*Due to health reasons, Fr. Benedict Groeschel will not be at this year's Convention.
We are blessed to have Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR speaking in his place.
Adult Sessions

SESSION 1 (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM) - Fr. Andrew Apostoli, Fr. Jim Nisbet, Sr. Nancy Keller, Fr. Ramon Valera
SESSION 2 (2:30 PM - 3:30 PM) - Charles & Sue Whitehead, Ralph Martin, Fr. George Reynolds, Fr. John Hampsch
SESSION 3 (4:00 PM - 5:00 PM) - Fr. Andrew Apostoli, Fr. Michael Barry, Fr. Bill Delaney, Kay Murdy

SESSION 4 (11:30 AM - 12:30 PM) - Ralph Martin, Fr. Lou Cerulli, Deacon George Bednar & Josi Greeley, Fr. Charles Lueras, Fr. Jim Nisbet
SESSION 5 (2:00 PM - 3:00 PM) - Fr. Andrew Apostoli, Fr. Paul-Marie Chango, Fr. John Struzzo, Sr. Nancy Kellar, Fr. Bob Garon
SESSION 6 (3:30 PM - 4:30 PM) - Mother Regina Marie Gorman, Charles Whitehead, Abbot David Geraets, Fr. Alex Aclan, Fr. Raymond Roh

SESSION 7 (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM) - Fr. John Hampsch, Fr. Jim Nisbet, Fr. Bill Delaney, Fr. Lou Cerulli, Fr. Charles Lueras
SESSION 8 (9:30 AM - 10:30 AM) - Ralph Martin, Dominic Berardino, Sue Whitehead, Fr. Jerry Bevilacqua, Fr. Michael Barry, Fr. Michael Sears
SESSION 9 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) - Charles Whitehead, Sr. Nancy Kellar, Fr. Michael Manning, Dr. John Yzaguirre & Claire Yzaguirre, Deacon Steve Greco

SCRC Convention Online Registration

The Following Workshops are Full: 1B, 1C, 2B, 2D, 3B, 4B, 4D, 4E, 5B, 5C,6B, 6C, 6E, 7C, 8D, 8F, 9B, 9C
If you register via Fax or Mail for the above workshops you will receive a second choice, or, if that is full, the Arena workshop.

Download Friday Sessions

SESSION 1 (12:00 PM 1:00 PM) Adult Friday Sessions

Fr. Andrew Apostoli
Cheerfulness in the Lives of Saints
Is the Lord My God?
Happiness Wil Tell
The Holy Spirit Leads Us to Hope
Reconciliation Service
Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR
Author and Teacher
St. Leopold Friary,
Yonkers, NY
Fr. Jim Nisbet
Pastor, St. Joseph Parish, Spreckels, CA
Sr. Nancy Kellar, SC
Sisters of Charity, Charismatic Ministry, Scarsdale, NY
Fr. Ramon Valera
Pastor, Parish Pending
Talk 1-A Arena
Talk 1-B
Talk 1-C
Talk 1-D

SESSION 2 (2:30 PM 3:30 PM) Adult Friday Sessions

I Have Called You By Your Name
Our Mission as Catholic Lay People
In This Sign, I Conquer!
Oil for Troubled Waters: the "Oil of Gladness"
Charles & Sue Whitehead
Charismatic Leaders, Buckinghamshire, England
Ralph Martin
President, Renewal Ministries & EWTN Host of "The Choices we Face", Ann Arbor, MI
Fr. George Reynolds
Associate Pastor, St. Barnabas, Long Beach, CA
Fr. John Hampsch, CMF
Claretian Teaching Ministry, Los Angeles, CA
Talk 2-A Arena
Talk 2-B
Talk 2-C
Talk 2-D

SESSION 3 (4:00 PM 5:00 PM) Adult Friday Sessions

Fr. Andrew Apostoli
What Does it Mean to Be Happy in the Lord?
Path to Healing and Wholeness
Intercession A Call From God
Finding Hope in Hopeless Situations
Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR
Author and Teacher
St. Leopold Friary,
Yonkers, NY
Fr. Michael Barry, SSCC
President, Mary's Mercy Center, San Bernardino, CA
Fr. Bill Delaney, SJ
Pastoral Coordinator, SCRC, Los Angeles, CA
Kay Murdy
Catholic Bible Institute, Whittier, CA
Talk 3-A Arena
Talk 3-B
Talk 3-C
Talk 3-D

SATURDAY Download Saturday Sessions

SESSION 4 (11:30 AM 12:30 PM) Adult Saturday Sessions

Fr. Cerulli
Fr. Nisbet
Me, Be a Saint? Yes!
The Healing Power of Humor
Jesus is Lord! *Recommended for Newcomers
Being an Alleluia People in Good Times and in Bad
The Orgins of the Roman Rite
Ralph Martin
President, Renewal Ministries & EWTN Host of "The Choices we Face", Ann Arbor, MI
Fr. Lou Cerulli
Peace, Freedom & Healing Ministry, Montreal, Canada
Deacon George Bednar
Camarilo, CA and Josi Greeley Seal Beach, CA
Fr. Charles Lueras, CRIC
Administraor, St. Sebastian & Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Paula, CA
Fr. Jim Nisbet
Pastor, St. Joseph Parish, Spreckels, CA
Talk 4-A Arena
Talk 4-B
Talk 4-C
Talk 4-D
Talk 4-E

SESSION 5 (2:00 PM 3:00 PM) Adult Saturday Sessions

Fr. Andrew Apostoli
Fr. Chango
Finding Peace in Dark Times
The Power of the Holy Spirit
Healing Our Image of God Healing our Woundedness
Becoming More Effectively Evangelistic
Smile and Be Happy!
Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR
Author and Teacher
St. Leopold Friary,
Yonkers, NY
Fr. Paul-Marie Chango, OP
Professor, Biblical and Archeological French University, Jerusalem, Israel
Fr. John Stuzzo, CSC
Associate Pastor, Holy Family Parish, Glendale, CA
Sr. Nancy Kellar, SC
Sisters of Charity, Charismatic Ministry, Scarsdale, NY
Fr. Bob Garon
Associate Pastor, St. Charles Borromeo Parish, North Hollywood, CA
Talk 5-A Arena
Talk 5-B
Talk 5-C
Talk 5-D
Talk 5-E

SESSION 6 (3:30 PM 4:30 PM) Adult Saturday Sessions

Happy?!! In THIS Valley of Tears?
The Word of God is Alive and Active
The Helper: Baptism in the Holy Spirit
The Fruit of the Spirit
Healing Broken Relationships
Mother Regina Marie Gorma, OCD
Carmelite Mother General, Alhambra, CA
Charles Whitehead
Chairman, Int'l Charismatic Consultation, Buckinghamshire, England
Abbot David Geraets, OSB
Monastery of the Risen Christ, San Luis Obispo, CA
Fr. Alex Aclan
Pastor, St. Madeline Parish, Pomona, CA
Fr. Raymond Roh, OSB
Monastery of the Risen Christ, San Luis Obispo, CA
Talk 6-A Arena
Talk 6-B
Talk 6-C
Talk 6-D
Talk 6-E

SUNDAY Download Sunday Sessions

SESSION 7 (8:00 AM 9:00 AM) Adult Sunday Sessions

Early Sunday Liturgy
Joy The Sparkle of Life
The Place of Psalms in Catholic Worship
Resist the Devil, and He Will Flee
The "How To's" of Healing Prayer
Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord!
7:30 am 9:00 am
Fr. John Hampsch, CMF
Claretian Teaching Ministry, Los Angeles, CA
Fr. Jim Nisbet
Pastor, St. Joseph Parish, Spreckels, CA
Fr. Bill Delaney, SJ
Pastoral Coordinator, SCRC, Los Angeles, CA
Fr. Lou Cerulli
Peace, Freedom & Healing Ministry, Montreal, Canada
Fr. Charles Lueras, CRIC
Administraor, St. Sebastian & Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Paula, CA
In Progress Arena
Talk 7-B
Talk 7-C
Talk 7-D
Talk 7-E
Talk 7-F

SESSION 8 (9:30 AM 10:30 AM) Adult Saturday Sessions

Why Everyone Needs to Be Baptized in the Spirit
Are You Happy?
Roots and Wings
Solidarity and the True Self
His Mercy Endures Forever
Charismatic Gifts of the Spirit *Recommended for Newcomers
Ralph Martin
President, Renewal Ministries & EWTN Host of "The Choices we Face", Ann Arbor, MI
Dominic Berardino
President, SCRC, Los Angeles, CA
Sue Whitehead
Charismatic Leader, Buckinghamshire, England
Fr. Jerry Bevilacqua, OSA
Spirit Ministries, San Diego, CA
Fr. Michael Barry, SSCC
President, Mary's Mercy Center, San Bernardino, CA
Fr. Michael Sears
Administraor, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Los Nietos, CA
Talk 8-A Arena
Talk 8-B
Talk 8-C
Talk 8-D
Talk 8-E
Talk 8-F

SESSION 9 (11:00 AM 12:00 PM) Adult Saturday Sessions

Charles Whitehead
Sit, Walk, Stand
Building and Healing Relatiionships
Bringing Great Joy from the Bible Into Our Daily Lives
Stronger Marriages for Tougher Times
Freely You Have Received Freely Give *Recommended for Newcomers
Charles Whitehead
Chairman, Int'l Charismatic Consultation, Buckinghamshire, England
Sr. Nancy Kellar, SC
Sisters of Charity, Charismatic Ministry, Scarsdale, NY
Fr. Michael Manning, SVD
President, Wordnet Productions, San Bernardino, CA
Dr. John Yzaguire & Clare Yzaguire, MFT
Authors/Speakers, Marriage & Family Education, Irvine, CA
Deacon Steve Greco
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Irvine, CA
Talk 9-A
Talk 9-B
Talk 9-C
Talk 9-D
Talk 9-E