Please Note: This page is for the 2009 Convention.
The most recent Convention page can be found at .
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SCRC 2009 Convention

Happy the People Whose God is the Lord! - Psalm 144:15
Thank You!

Southern California Renewal Communities
Serving Together in the Fellowship of the Spirit

SCRC would like to sincerely thank all those who worked so hard behind the scenes to make the 2009 SCRC Convention a success.


Mary Alice Ayer Julie Carroll Adrienne Marilla
Dominic Berardino Fr. William Delaney, SJ Joel Pedroza
Sandy Berardino Barbara Lambert Lola Romo

Office Volunteers:

Tom Carroll June McKeen Susan Price
Shirley Crowe Pat Price Anne Tucker

Convention Committee Chairperson

Amelia Acosta Stephen Chavez Ed Lerche
Anita Adams Katy Clark Bill Millard
John Adams Bob Doyle Bob Murdy
Carmen Aguirre Marlene Doyle Kay Murdy
Rufus Aguirre Joel Finez Berta Romero
Phil Arkfeld Barbara Flynn Deacon Milt Rosenberg
Laura Arkfeld Michael Gaertig Jeannie Rosenberg
Fr. Michael Barry, SSCC Peggy Gaertig Sr. Catherine Smith, IHM
Deacon Rolando Bautista Mary Glock Richard Valdemar
Barbara Bautista Walter Glock Victoria Valdemar
Carmelite Sisters Dave Granucci Jacob Villalobos
Esperanza Chavez Debbie Granucci Michael Welter

Plus Hundreds of Volunteers in These Areas of Service:

Bookstore Help Music Ministry Teen Ministry
Children's Ministry Photography Ticket Takers
Communications Prayer Ministry Truck Loading/Unloading
Disabled Services Program Distribution Ushers
Eucharistic Ministers Registration Word Gifts
Information Booth Security Workshop Supervisors
Liturgy Assistant/Chapel Speaker Hospitality Young Adult Ministry
M/Cs and Lectors   Young Family Ministry

And Thank You to all those who donated to SCRC's ministry during the Convention, upon whose charity SCRC depends throughout the rest of the year.

If you did not have an opportunity to give during the Convention, or you wish to give more now, please visit our Donations Page to see ways you can contribute to SCRC's Ministry.

Thank You and See You Next Year!